Microsoft blue screen error | +1-855-785-2511 Toll-free

How to fix the blue screen error:

Boot in safe mode: If Windows does not start due to a blue screen error, try booting into safe mode and fix the problem. As the computer is booting, press F8 key repeatedly until the safe mode option appears.
Scan a virus: Sometimes the virus and malware are the root cause of the blue screen error, to find anything to run a virus scan, which can cause all the problems.
Install a repair of Windows: This is a quick option to completely restore Windows because it only copies the system files on your computer.

Clear the hard disk space: Remove unnecessary data files and programs if your hard disk is less than 15% free  Re-install Windows: If you are unable to track down the error, you should try a full re-installation of Windows as a way to reset your computer. Ensure that you have back up all of your important files

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